A digital lock of random duration that teases you if you fail to unlock it.
- At defined intervals, the lock becomes eligible for an unlock attempt. On the initial screen you choose the interval and the odds of a successful unlock.
- Lock information is saved to your local storage, so it will return to where you were if you close the tool and come back using the same browser and device.
- If you pick a "lucky number," the lock opens if you roll that number. (This is cosmetic and will not affect your odds.)
- If you miss an opportunity to roll - for example, if the lock is set to one-day intervals and you forget about it for two days - you will be given the opportunity to make up your missed rolls or to waive them ("I'll wait..."). The choice is yours.
- The "Screenshot" button downloads the currently displayed image.
- The "Options" button allows you to add failures to the total or to end a lock early.
Procedurally generates smut prompts with two characters and a kink or activity. The weights and content are skewed to my personal tastes.
A Twine game themed around cursed magic items and weight gain. No "good ends," all "bad ends" (where you experience incredible pleasure and you never have to leave).
A transformation-focused Twine game where you have been kidnapped by the Queen of Fairies.